Kelco Zap Shampoo for Dogs and Cats (Deep Cleansing and Soothing)



Kelco Zap Shampoo for Dogs and Cats (Deep Cleansing and Soothing)


SKU: Kelco-ZapShampoo Category: Tag:


Kelco organic shampoo contains 100% natural ingredients which will not cause any harm or skin allergies for your pets. Kelco shampoos are made with beneficial ingredients such as vegetable oils, and herbal extracts to cure skin allergies.

  • If you like instant results, with no waiting then Zap Shampoo is the one for you.
  • It is truly deep cleansing, natural, and safe for puppies, kittens, and you too.
  • Stops itching and soothe irritated bitten skin.
  • Soothing for the skin, removes odor, and contains penny-royal, cedar, pine, eucalyptus, herbs, aloe, A, D, E, Hydroplane, and rinses completely

Perfect for : Deep Cleansing, Soothing

Additional information

Weight N/A

345ml, 1G